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Brainstorm Ideas Analysis

We came up with many didfferent ideas to begin with all from different genres and themes. We then bottled it down to to our top 8 ideas.


Time is money:

This idea sprung from the thought that time is everywhere and time accounts for most things in our life. Its very rare our actions are not time influenced.

We were looking to do a concept based on the idea that time wasted, cant be  gained back. However we decided not to go with this idea as we thought we may not be able to avoid being cliche.


We came across the insecurity idea as we thought this an eveyday issue which people experience in eveday life therefore it could appeal to a wide range of audiences. In order to pull this off we were looking to come at this topic from a single character who just couldnt accept herself for who she was. 

However when we thought about the idea deeper and did some reserach we realised this was a major topic in many short films therefore we didnt want to 'follow this trend' and as a result did not go with this idea.


Identity was the next idea we chose because we thought although it had some similarities to insecurity. Its an issue that people never really believe they have a problem with until they come across its actual meaning.

It was also an idea that we did see quite alot again in the short film industry, however not from the view we were coming from. This was that everyone may appear to be different on the outside however we are all exactly the same underneath.

We also had another viewpoint which was that people in this day an age dress the same, behave the same, and even make up to look the same. But slowly they are loosing their identity and no one is staying an original anymore.

Although this particular idea was very appealing for us we chose to go entirely for it because again we were afraid that it may appear as a cliche. 



This idea was almost like a false reality.

A world where everyones dreams come true.

at first this sounded like a well thought out, unique, brilliant idea.Which from when we did our research we could barley find anyone who had touched on this topic.

However when we came to think about it, we realised that this idea would need a lot of special effects in order to portray whats reality and whats the dream properly.

And to be able to do this we would need access to the sort of technlogy that allows for this lie CGI  etc. But to get this we would need a much more bigger budget which we just simply don't have. Therefore we were unable to go through with this idea in the end.

Life is a puzzle

We thought of this, because we were shown a short film called 'room eight' and it was very weird but clever at the ame time. It made you think about it and allowed for us to create and determine our own meaning to the film.

We realised that we wanted to portray something in which to an extent the audience have the chance to create their own meaning. However we didnt completely go for this idea because the cast and location is too much expenses for our budget.




This idea came about from the old saying 'no one is perfect'.. Which is what we wanted to play around with. We then thought about, the meaning of perfect and if perfect means some thing different to each individual then how can anyone ever be perfect, whats the true meaning of being perfect?

Again we didnt go for this idea because we beieved we could do something a bit more abstract and unique.



This was just a random idea but a pressing topic, which is constantly on the news and in the eye of the media.

We thought we could touch on this issue as it is a popular topicat the moment. However we didnt go through with this idea because we didnt want it to come across as a 'funny' issue as it is quite serious. Therefore we didnt go with this idea because we knew our budget wouldnt strech to be able to do this issue justice!



We came to this idea from watching a drama feture length film called 'in our name' and how they managed to deal with the issue of post war trauma in a female rather than a stereotypical male.

However this was a very cliche idea and wouldnt be able to be portrayed properly in a short film of five mins.

Tosin Bawa 8030

Inspiration For Our Short Film

Allegory of The Cave

Is presented by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work The Replublic to compare the effect of education and lack of it on nature. It is written as a dialogue between plato's brother Glauco and his mentor Socrates.

Plato has Socrates describe a gathering of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives facing a blank wall. The people water shadow projected on the wall by things passing in front of a fire behind them and start to assign names to these shadows. The shadows are a close as the prisoners get to viewing reality.

Plato suggests that for the prisoners, the artifacts would constitute reality, because they have not seen the light. Furthermore, Plato suggests that the prisoners would 'assign credit and prestige' to whoever could quickly remember which shadows came before, predict which would follow and name the shadows that were normally found together.

Plato conveys in the imagery if this game that the prestige of winning this game is not in fact an honor at all because the prisoner is lacking the knowledge of the world outside the cave.


Departure from The Cave

Suppose that one prisoner is freed, being suddenly allowed to stand, turn walk and look towards the fire

  • The light would hurt his eyes and cause difficulty for him to see the object's shadows he had seen before

  • In his pain the freed one would turn away and run back to what he can understand (the shadows of the carried objects)

  • He is then told what he has formelly seen has no meaning and that what he now sees has greater reality.

  • When he sees the world outside the cave he begins to question his previous beliefs.

Final Idea

For our final idea we decided to base our 5 minute short film on the concept of identity .



Petronelle Masinga 8122



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