Still Frame Analysis

Two and Two- 2+2=5
(Babak Anvari,2011)
The mise en scene of the props in the room, straight away allows us to denote that it may be a classroom. Due to the blackboard, the map n the wall, the desks and the fact they are all wearing the same uniform . In particular they seem to be taking a maths class, because of the sum maths '2+2=5' on the blackboard. All this is shown in a wide shot. There is such minimal equipment and décor in the room, this could connote that they are very reliant on the teachers knowledge. This could be signified by the sum on the blackboard '2+2=5' which is obviously wrong, but they all seem to be accepting that this is correct, all students except one student are sitting down and saying nothing about it.
The lighting of the room is very dull, the room uses natural light , this could connote that it ma be a poor country or even just a poor school ,because they can barely pay for electricity for a light bulb to brighten the room and also that it may be cold and an uneasy environment to concentrate in to do work ,this could make them more passive, therefore less challenging about the work they are being given to learn. However the bulk of the light focuses more on the teachers and the older boys as they are the forefront of the frame.
In the wide shot the teacher is shown in a medium long shot, this could be to enable us as the audience to establish his role as the teacher, because he is wearing a completely different uniform to the rest of the class. He is wearing a suit which could signify that he is of greater importance than everybody else in the classroom.
Also from the editing shot, you can tell that there is a conversation between the teacher and the student because of the over the shoulder shot, however you can tell that the teacher is leading the conversation. As the pull and focus is heavily on the teacher, he is the focus. While the boy is blurred in the pull.
So far consequently it seems as if none of this relates to it's genre, drama, because at face value, it doesn't look like any thing out of the ordinary or dramatic is taking place. however is connoted deeper you can notice the red armbands on the older students arms. Red signifies danger and blood therefore this could be the twist we allows this short film to fit into its genre as this could connote that there maybe danger in sight for someone, however as the audience we don't know what may happen next.
Next the proximity of the teacher to the older boys compared with the distance to the younger student is far more further. This could be because the teacher may respect the older students more and they may also respect him greatly therefore he doesn't necessarily need to reinforce his importance as a teacher to them. Unlike the younger student, because he is questioning the teacher, which could be interpreted as challenging his intelligence. Therefore being further away from him allows him to emphasise his authority as a teacher because it allows the young boy to read the teachers body language and may be change his mind about questioning the teacher.
However although the young student is the only one 'brave' enough to question the teacher about the answer, his body language shows that he still may not be confident enough in himself and is still reserved, due to the fact that his hands are behind his back.
All this reflects what is going to happen at the end, the fact that he dies for saying what he believes in. This fits in perfectly with the moral of the story because, it is basically trying to portray that him as a martyr that even though the teacher refuses to accept what he is saying, the student is very persistent in what he trying to say and continues to say it. The point being not necessarily to prove the teacher wrong but in fact to die for what he believed in and thought to be right.
This message is made even more powerful because from this still image, there are subtitles to translate into English, which shows that they were speaking another language, Persian. Therefore it shows that you don't need to know exactly what they are saying, but we just need to look deeper in order for us to understand the message of the short film, which may not be obvious at the start but becomes obvious at the end.
Tosin Inez Bawa 8030
The Killing Joke

Firstly the mise-en-scene of costume in this still frame is of a girl in a quite revealing short red dress which draws the audience straight to her as she stands in the middle of the frame to dennote that she is alone at this instance. The red colour of the dress could connote that she is in danger which is linked to the mysterious red balloon in the middle of nowhere therefore signifyig that the red balloon may be the reason that she'll be in danger.
The mise-en-scene of body language is showing that she is hesitant of approaching this balloon with her facial expression showing curiousity but at the same time caution which signifies that although a balloon is a harmless object she is still suspicious and perhaps surprisingly even afraid of it.
The mise-en-scene of props presents a gift at the end of the balloon which doesn't quite fit in the environmen and therefore it may be there by accident, but at the same time her interest in it suggests that it may have been placed there to deliberatly

In this wide shot of both the girl and clown the mise-en-scene firstly of body language presents the clown in a wide and mutual stance whereas the girl is at a lower level compared to him, glaring up at him with both her hands on the ground which instantly signifies that the clown has power and authority over her while she has no control in the situation, as her position suggests she's in fact trying to escape from the clown using both her hands and feet therefore implying her desperation.
The mise-en-scene of props shows a contrast between the characters and their environment as the wooden structures on the right hand side of the frame are all damaged and of a dull colour which could signlfy that it is not a safe environment to be in and that both characters may be in danger if they remain here. On the other hand the left hand side of the frame is of brighter due to the bright yellow container and the girl's eye catching bright red dress may perhaps connote that things aren't as bad as they seem which could also reflect on the title 'The Killing Joke' as it is an oxymoron and almost ironic because it implies death but at the same time also laughter/amusement which is as a result signified in the bright colour and the clown himself which represents laughter. However at the same time the gun pointed at the female implies that she may be killed
Petronelle Masinga 8122
Water Song
(Paul Frankl, Henry Mason and Geoffrey Feltcher,2013)

In this still frame firstly what you notice is the red on her blanket and on the swimming pool lane dividers. This straight away connotes danger. So this could be foreshadowing that something bad may be happening in the horizon.
The lighting seems to be very dull and dark, with the only light being reflected from the swimming pool, this could portray that the only hope she has comes from her ability and passion of swimming, because from the film we realise she is deaf. Therefore this makes swimming more of an achievement for her.
However in this still image she is staring deeply at her reflection in the water, as if she is thinking about something. It almost resembles a conversation with two people, however its confirmed they are both her because of the way her legs are entwined with the reflection in the water. Her reflection in the water seems to be the 'good her' due to the fact it has the most light behind it, which the audience can connote means hope, faith etc. and looks like its telling her not to cheat for the victory, because she can do it without cheating. Consequently her real self seems like the 'bad her' which is surrounded by darkness, this connotes negativity who is contemplating cheating for victory because its her only way,
However if denoted deeper there is also a lot of blue colours that surround her, in the water, the walls and the general background is of a faded blue/grey colour. Blue connotes, intelligence,trust and wisdom and a calming effect. So in turn this could infer that she should follow her instincts and not her conscience, because as the water is blue, it could hold all he answers and her winning, if only she trust in its wisdom and knowledge.
Tosin Inez Bawa 8030