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Magazine film Review Research



 Fast and Furious 5- Magazine Film Review

Conventions of a magazine film  review

Large main image:

There is a large main image of the characters along side a caption, in this case 'high rock tane action'.

This is key for a start of a good review, so you know what the film is, and is key to sellin the review to the seller.

Several titles:

There are several titles in this film review which include extras and directors name, they are all in the same house colour blue, which could be because they are all similar and basically are the main titles which people will be interested in.

Secondary Image:

There are five smaller stills from the film, this is conventional of magazine film reviews, because it allows th audience to see what there in for, when they go and watch the film. And how action packed each scene is, and if it is to the taste. This is also highlighted so it is what they want their readers to notice instantly.


This can include actors/actresses that were suppose to star in the movie, to or the characters profile. However in this case it includes deleted scenes, so giving the reader an exclusive insight as to the making of the film. And what could have been included and what they missed out on.

Title of the film:

Is in big font, eye catching so you can't miss it, however it isnt in the same house colours as the other several titles but it does compliment the other colour blue. And also there is a caption/tagline underneath 'high rock tane action' describing what the genre of the film review is. This is key for a review becasue the reader needs to know what the film is called.

Review of the film:

This usually includes a stand first, quotes from the directors and then the actual magazines opinion on the film, here is where the reader can actually get a feel about how the film is and what they should expect.


There is usually a rating of the film and then a rating of the extras.In this case fast and furious was given a  for the film and a two for the extras. This is important because this gives the readers an insight as to whether they should go and watch the film. Therefore according to this magazine film review fast and furious is a good film to go and watch in the cinema.

Tosin Inez Bawa 8030


There are quite a lot of references to other films as well, Inferno, Star Trek and Highlander, comparing fast and furious to them, this could be because they either want to make the film seem better than the others or look worse than the others. In this case it makes fast and furious look better.

Short film review-The package

Short film reviews, are usually not in magazines and tend to be found online, they have different conventions compared to a feauture length magazine film review, which may include:


1. The title: The title of the short film is clearl;y stated in bold, so that as a reader it is easier to understand and know what the review is going to be about.


2. Picture/Video: There is usually a picture or a short video trailer of the film, so that you can watch the short film and maybe make opinions on whether you agree with the online film review or not.


3. The summary: There is usually a brief summary of the short film, so that in case you haven't heard of the film, then you can quickly get an isight of it beofre reading the review.


4. Ratings: Just like the magazine film review, a rating is given to the film, so that as the reader you know how good people feel the short film is, in this case three stars were given suggesting this short film is average, and there may be some errors they could fix to make it better, which would be said in the actual review.


5. THE ACTUAL REVIEW: The actual review is key, for the online reader, in order for them to know how people feel about the film, and if its a good short film to bother watching, and what key features make it appealing to its audiences, in this case 'this is where writer Peter Blackman suceeds...' and what they can improve on to have made it better, in this case ' Blackmanns overall screenplay was good...the actors don't quite do it justice at times...'. And also if the director managed to put across what they were trying to explain through the film, in this case 'the package is a satisfying short that presents us with a number of amusing, believable moments in its 9 minute run time.'


* However a key thing to remember about short film reviews is that they are not as readily available as feature length film reviews, which are everywhere in magazines, online etc. They are much more harder to find and  are less likely to be reviewed in magazines and are usually just available on certain websites online like london film review, for example. This is because of there niche target audience, therefore because there target audience is only a select few, there short film is aimed that, there isn't as much publicity around it.


Tosin Inez Bawa 8030

Social media Film Reviews

Social Media
Social Media
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Social Media
Social Media

Social Media:

Social media is an online 'sensation' that is rapidly growing and expanding everyday from facebook,twitter to instagram. Social Media has huge power to make or destroy a film just on their personal opinions about it, because news travels very fast on social networking sites, it only takes one person to say something and then suddenly everybody knows about it, it is the new powerful  'word of mouth'.

In this case, for fast and furious seven because it is such a big feature length film franchise, they have a strong following on all their social networking sites, and therefore have many fans for it. However this took them time to build on this, because its had six films beofre the number seven to be able to gain such a huge audience, although they have dedicated fans, there are still a few sceptics about the franchise and some people don't understand or get the story line still. But from these 'reviews' everyone clearly loves the film, and also although one of the main characters are dead in real life, Paul Walker, this could generate more audiences and more profit because people may want to see his tribute films before he died, although this is a bit harsh, it is very true, death can be used as a further promotion for a film. Also from these 'reviews' people really like this film and are encouraging others to watch it, as well as stating themselves that they are going to most definitely watch it, 'fast and furious 7 trailer looked amazing'.


Social Media short films:

There was next to none reviews, or opinions about short films like the package online, they are very scarce. This could be because short films are targeted at a niche audience, so people that watch these short films, may not necessaraily be on social media, or may not look for short film reviews on social networking sites. Because with short films, every body is allowed to make their own assumption about what the film is trying to explain because it isn't always as straightforward as feature length, the meaning is their for interpretation by its niche audience, so a social networking 'opinion' may not be the same to someone elses opinion, wheras in feature length their tends to be a general consensus in opinion.

Tosin Inez Bawa 8030



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