Sound Production
During our media production we used many different sounds for many different reasons. Sound is an important element because it allows us to easily portray feelings and emotions through the sounds and also gives the audience an idea as to what the genre is and what we are trying to get across. Here are most of the sounds we used:
Non-Digetic sounds
We used this as the main sound track to run through our whole short film, because it fits exactly with what our film is about and also relates to it and has a nice flow with our short film.
The lyrics of the song correlate with the short film and literally narrates our short film, therefore it was the best choice by far to use. The soundtrack is consisitent all the way through therefore it doesn't distract the watcher from watching our short film, because it just adds to the emotion of the film and also allows them to concerntrate on the film and get a sense of what the characters may be feeling.
Website Sounds
We used this for the basic sound of our website, because it shows emotion and also gets across the message we were trying to portray. It also allows us to make our website unique, because not many websites have sounds on them, especially as its student made, its a difficult task to do. It also makes the audience able to relate already through the website, because they make a connection with the soundtrack and the theme of our website and instantly allows them to be drawn in.
Ambient Sounds
There was many ambient sounds that were used during the filming, scruffling of the newspapers, the sounds of the cars and general people in the background. This allowed us to be able to create a realistic feel to the film, because it doesn't sound to stage and makes it seem as if this can happen in real life. It also gives our short film another dimension to it, because it isn't flat and gives us a whole round feel as to what the character may be seeing, where she may be and what may be around her.