Issues that arised during editing process
During the editing process we ecountered many different issues, some more basic than others, but eventually with a bit of fiddling we managed to overcome this and deal with it as followed:
Adding the titles/Credits- We struggled to put our specific credits onto Imovie from livetype, because we wanted to have pictures as our opening titles, with livetype words over it, and to be able to merge them together, we needed to be able to export them separately. To overcome this we followed a set of instructions which meant we had to add the picture to Imovie first and export our live type titles separately and put them on top of the picture. Simple!

Adding music to our short film-We were unable at first, to add the music to our short film let alone shorten it and add it to bits and pieces of our film. However with a bit of trial and error we managed to put our soundtrack on to Imovie and we were able to cut it and make it fit with what scences we wanted it to, to create the effect we were looking for. Also finding the soundtrack to add to the editing process was an issue in itself we had to try out many different music, in order to find the one that fitted and suited or film down to a tee.

Cutting the footage down/Trimming the footage- At the beginning we started with around 40 minutes of footage, and we just didnt know how we were going to be able to get it down to 5 minutes let alone a little less,to allow for our opening titles and credits. We began doing an overall cut so watching over the footage and trimming where possible and all the irrelevant parts. We then ended up with 12 minutes of footage which wasn't bad at all. Then we started to precisely cut and trim our footage and rearrange them in a suitable order, before finally ending up with 3 and a half minutes of footage which was brilliant. Once we started the cutting and trimming process we just couldn't stop!