What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Tosin Inez Bawa 8030

This graph shows that 50% of the audience didn't fully understand the narrative of our short film while 50% did.
From this we can infer that our film isn't the simple film with a clear beginning, middle and end like most regular Holywood movies and that infact it is complex and aimed at specific audience because it requires a lot more thinking to understand which explains why only 50% of the audience understood it.
This links back to the fact that short films have a niche audience so the response to this specific question shows us that our film reached the criterea of a short film.
Although we researched for a target audience, after showing them the film from this response we can see that our film's is even smaller than we at first had imagined.
Petronelle Masinga 8122

This graph shows that 75% of the audience looked at the issue we explored differently while watching our film.
This shows that we were creative in the way we displayed the issue therefore we were not cliché because it's a very common theme that have been done in many films especially short film as it is theme that always has a strong message to portray.
However 25% didin't think differently which isn't necessarily a bad thing because it shows that despite the complexity of the film some of the audience could still see the usual message displayed with this kind of issue therefore meaning despite our creativity we kept some of the traditional approach in exploring the issue of identity.

50% of the audience thought the middle part of the film was the best part, 25% the beginning, 17% the end and 8% other parts of the film.
This implies that the audience got more from the middle of the film which may due to the fact that it is the fast pace compared to the beginning and end scenes and it is the most creative part of the film in the way that we potrayed the issue.
Petronelle Masinga 8122

0% of the audience didn't find our short film engaging compared to the 65% who found it kind of engaging and 35% very engaging.
This shows that we were successful in entertaining our target audience therefore it's highly possible that they understood the message we were trying to put across which means we were successful in producing a short filmbecause that is the purpose of a short film.
Petronelle Masinga 8122

Tosin Inez Bawa 8030

Tosin Inez Bawa 8030

As it makes it easier for the next time to be able to know what to cut out of filmmaking completely, you have to find out what is the worst part about the short film you've made already. So we found out the worst part about our short film from our traget audience and found that, everyone didn't think that the end was the worst bit at all, which meant we could look at what made the end not bad at all, this was backed up with about 67% of our target audience who didn't think nothing was the worst part of our short film. However there was about 18% who found the beginning the worst part of our short film and about 10% of our audience thought that the middle and other elements of our short film were the worst part of the film, but this was not explicitly stated.
It was important to find out what could be improved in our short film, because nothing is ever perfect! So from asking our audience it gives us feedback as to what we could improve if we did this all over again. We found that everyone from our target audience would not change the music at all, this could only mean that they felt it worked well with our short film. The Location was the next least thing to be imporoved with only around 17% of people thinking it could be improved. Then next the editing we found about 32% of people thought this could definitely be worked on for next time. However 50% of our audience believed that other improvements could be made which weren't explicitly put across.
It was important to find out if our short film left a lasting impact on our audiences, and if the message was strong they felt they needed to recommend it to someone. From the survey monkey it was clear to see that the majority of our audience, around 90% would definitely recommend our short film. However their was about 10% of our target audience that would not recommend our short film. This just goes to show that not everyone maybe internalised the message our short film sent.